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Dawn Parilla-Kearney

Dawn Chameleon

 “I change on ah daily and adapt to All Environment’s!” As a host on WUDG Underground Columbus Radio Station, Dawn Chameleon is on a mission to uplift and showcase the incredible talent within the Columbus music scene. Her radio show serves as a platform for both established and emerging artists, providing them with a voice and a dedicated space to share their stories and music with the world. 

Through her passion for music, her unwavering support for local artists, and her foundation in Ohio Media School’s transformative education, Dawn Chameleon has become a driving force in Columbus’ underground music community. Her dedication to amplifying the voices of talented artists has established her as a trusted figure, ensuring that the vibrant music scene of Columbus continues to thrive. 

In the realm of media and as a host on WUDG Underground Columbus Radio Station, Dawn Chameleon continues to make a profound impact, championing Columbus artists and fostering an environment that celebrates the power of music. 

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