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Dice Gamble

Dice Gamble

Coming from Evansville, Indiana, a place not known for its hip hop scene, Dice Gamble found her way to becoming one of the most inspiring gospel rap artists of our time. Her journey to becoming a successful rapper and songwriter has been a testament to the power of faith, and her music is a testament to the power of God.

Dice Gamble’s music has been shaped by her early love of hip hop, which she fell in love with when she was young, listening to artists like the Treacherous Three, Salt-N-Pepa, and Roxanne Shante. Her music is the result of her diverse life experiences, which include being raised in a musical family, playing in a high school band, and traveling the world.

Despite the challenges she faced along the way, including battles with depression, drugs, alcohol, and sexual immorality, Dice Gamble never lost her faith. Even when she experienced three near-death car accidents in the same spot on the highway, she never lost sight of her purpose. Instead, she turned to God and dedicated her life to him, becoming a licensed Minister of The Gospel through The Carter Theological Institute of Ministry.

Today, Dice Gamble is an award-winning gospel rapper and songwriter, with numerous albums and songs under her belt. She has performed at youth conferences, rallies, detention centers, churches, and events, and has become a popular performer, keeping fans dancing and singing along. Her latest album, Crazy Praise, is a testament to her talent and versatility, as well as her unwavering faith.

Through her music, Dice Gamble hopes to inspire others to dig deeper into their faith and their relationship with God. She wants her testimonies to be a light to those who feel alone, broken, and helpless, reminding them that God is always working in their lives. She wants everyone to know that no matter how many mistakes they’ve made, God is still with them, and for that, they should give him some crazy praise. Dice Gamble’s music is a testament to the power of faith, and a reminder that with God, all things are possible.

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